Income Tax Notice Protection

Offering a robust line of productsto meet your personal and business needs

Notices . . . and more notices

With the way the taxing authorities are operating in our current business environment, incorrect and incomplete notices are becoming much more common place. It is not out of the ordinary for one department within the IRS or the NC Department of Revenue not to communicate with another department. Did you know that the expenses associated with most IRS notices can cost you over $1,000 in accounting fees? By electing into our Notice Protection Service, a 20 percent surcharge on your tax preparation fee will provide comprehensive advice and representation relative to any notices that you receive, related to the returns that our firm prepares for you. In the event of an actual audit, additional fees will be invoiced relative to the amount of time required to properly represent you, but answering notices, providing necessary information to the taxing authorities, and otherwise helping you satisfy requirements from the notice will cost you nothing. You will remain responsible for any additional tax, penalties, and / or interest that may be assessed, but we will help you navigate the correct channels and procedures for proper correspondence and resolution.